Music Lessons In The Most Relaxed, Comfortable Environment - Your Own Home!

Studio Now Located In Jeffreys Bay!

Guitar Lessons In The Comfort of Your Home
Piano Lessons In The Comfort of Your Home
Drum Lessons In The Comfort of Your Home
Singing Lessons In The Comfort of Your Home

So you have made the wonderful decision to learn to play a musical instrument and to be part the 10 in 100 special individuals who acquire this amazing new skill! The only thing you need now is a no nonsense 100% results driven Music School to help you learn to play.

By clicking on our website you are 1 step closer to attaining Musical Mastery and becoming the Musical Legend you were born to be.

Our NEW approach to teaching music will get you playing all your Favourite Songs in no time and if you follow our Step by Step instructions and invest as little as 10-15 min a day in your Tailor Made Practice Routine, you CAN start playing your first song in 30 days or LESS!!!  Thats why 9 out of 10 people who visit our website sign up for lessons.

Gain Confidence, Express Yourself, Be the BEST version of YOU!

Play Music – Life’s a song, learn to play it

musiclessons3Play music offers professional music lessons in the comfort of your own home at very reasonable rates. Our team of friendly, highly skilled tutors will guide you along the path to achieve your personal musical goals – whether you want to play for leisure, entertaining friends and family or want to be the next big star. We CAN HELP!!!  We offer music lessons in :

So whether your young and ambitious or old and want to tick that musical goal you’ve always had off your to do list, a total beginner with big dreams or an experienced player wanting to up your game. Let us HELP you get there.

Our Method Of Music Lesson Teaching

We at playmusic believe that no two people are exactly the same, so we tailor our teaching methods to suit your exact requirements. We’ll start you off with a couple of basics but then move on to developing your technique through the learning of your favorite songs. We work with YOUR music interests to achieve YOUR musical goals.

Who Should You Take Online Music Lessons

Anyone with a passion for music!!! Although we do acknowledge the existence of natural musical talent, we know for a fact that anyone with a little patience and a passion for music can become the musician they dream of being. Practice makes perfect. So if you are an avid lover of music jump on board the band wagen and discover a whole new world of fun with our music lessons!